Senin, 30 Juli 2018

How to also the option secretly hide files and folders on your Android Phone?

How to also the option secretly hide files and folders on your Android Phone? - You might have noticed that Samsung is one of the only brands to opt against a 'notch' at the top like the iPhone X. We're not quite sure why others are so keen to copy Apple and even though some provide a way to switch the feature off, we like the fact Samsung has stuck to the regular style here. add a white pixel, well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about How to also the option secretly hide files and folders on your Android Phone?, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

I am using this  File Hide Pro by Emily Smith.
If you installed this app, you will see that it's name is Tip Calc which for me is a good way to fool anyone because they wouldn't know that you are hiding something on your phone because they couldn't see that you are having a file-hiding-app.

DOWNLOAD File Hide Pro

If you open this app, it will function as a simple Tip calculator.
To operate it as a file hider app, tap and hold the Tip Calculator text at the top until it switches to the different look.

This is how it looks after you tap and hold the Tip Calculator text.
To hide files or/and folders, tap the blue folder icon at the top right, then you will see the list of files and folders in your phone

Here is the list of the folders on my phone.

If you want to hide the whole folder, tap the green plus icon on its right side.

If you want to hide specific file, tap on the folder where it is included until you locate the file you want to hide, then tap the green plus icon on its right side.

file hide pro
Once you selected the files and/or folders that you wanted to hide. Got back to the main File Hide Pro menu, then tap the circle icon besides the x icon.

To disable the hiding of the file, simply tap the check icon.
In the example we have here in the picture, the folder mov is not hidden anymore

How to add password to your File Hide Pro App?

It is better to limit the access of this app only by you.
Add password to this app by modifying it's settings.

Tap the MENU key on your phone.

Tap Settings

Checked the box for Enable Password

and don't forget to Change Password

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